Sunday, September 16, 2007

Failure to blog....just one of my more charming faults

OK OK .... I'm blogging...I'm blogging. I didn't know you cared :) Bobby...I hope you're less bored at work today ;)

My dog won't stop whining....anyone interested in adopting

I'll make one comment on this subject

I was was THAT ugly. I never said we were good. I've been witness to 2 historic moments in history....the 2 seasons ND started at 0-3. Damn you, Bob Davie! Damn you and your blasted evil curse!!
I'm over it. I've spent the day recovering. I've watched marathons of "Drake and Josh" on Nickelodeon and "Cold Case Files" on A&E.

OK...weird. I never saw this show before. Drake & Josh is Durkee's favorite. But the episodes they played weren't in order....and the Josh kid lost like, 100 pounds from one to another. Freaked me out!
Grocery shopping was fun. We saved $43 with my Kroger plus card. Suck on that! I love it.

Things I am pondering today.... Why can't I get a date? Or at least one that I would want to go on. Guys hit on me...One hit on me yesterday and I even knew it this time! I know! Crazy! But still, I eat pizza and play Wii bowling with Kim (not that this isn't a good time) on a Friday night. WTF?!?!? OK...over that too.
Carson Palmer had six TD passes and Chad Johnson topped 200 yards receiving. And the Bengals lost. That's because the Browns outgunned them 51-45 in a game featuring more than 1,000 yards offense. OK....Brady may not have actually done anything in this game...but he won...and looks really cute in his browns uniform with his haircut....sigh.

yeah...that's his arm.

And with that. My nephew turns 2 next Saturday. He rules.

I'm going to see Miranda again on November 9th.

And....I love Eric Church

and Michael Buble


So there...that's the best blog you've ever read. And don't you forget it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ode to McDonald's

Who doesn't love McDonald's? It's delicious....and cheap.
Just a thought my very poor little brain was having over a delicious #6 meal with Coke.

Jen says to me that every one of my blogs should include/be completely comprised of pictures of David Beckham and Brady Quinn. While I do not disagree completely, I cannot limit the photographic beauty and artistic integrity of this blog to just 2 men. I have so many more to dedicate my time to.

Like....Tom Brady.

His illegitimate baby born and current uber-supermodel girlfriend's birthday in the same weekend. Seriously...Friday, Bridget "I've done nothing anyone has known about besides "Coyote Ugly" and date Tom" Moynahan had the baby on Friday and Gisele "My legs are longer than Josh Turner's 'Black Train" Bundchen turned 27 on Sunday. I still love him.
Let me now discuss my girl, the train wreck that is...La Lo.Lindsay, girl, seriously!? We're you just wearing the alcohol detection ankle bracelet cuz it looked cute?
In case you're not up on my fav. redhead (besides me)...Linds got stopped for a DUI this morning @ about 2 a.m(Yes...that's really her mugshot)

.....with cocaine in her car...on a suspended license....from a hit and run/DUI/coke in car incident on Memorial Day that she just turned herself in or something. REALLY?! I can understand the whole "Britney/Lohan/Paris crazy and clueless cuz they live in a weird surreal bubble thing" concept...but this is just obscene. You're drunk...with a car...and people know you're a disaster to watch out for. Do you have any brain left? HIRE SOMEONE TO DRIVE YOU!! Maybe you could get Turtle from Entourage...or maybe Turtle has a friend available. People can be paid to stay sober so you can wreck your life without gettting arrested!!!

OK...I have to go home and play Harry Potter on my Wii with my new pink controller.'s going to take me a couple of minutes to now find enough pictures to live up to the standard I've set for myself :)

Oh yeah...then there's this....

Let's not forget Luke Bryan!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bloggidy Blog Blog (no...GNR didn't sing that either)

I don't know how people can blog every day. I don't have enough to say in my life to make it interesting. It would be like..."Today, I woke up. I got dressed. My skirt was wrinkly. I went to work. I was 4 minutes late. I am tired. I worked 11 hours. I got crabby. Came home. Took nap. Ate dinner. Watched Ninja Warrior. Went to bed where I couldn't sleep." My life is thrilling.

I have a new fascination. Victoria "Posh" Beckham. I'm so excited that her reality show is about to be re-aired tonight. She's so "Major." I don't know what in the hell that means and I don't know what it is about her....besides the fact that her husband is one of the most perfect, most hotestest pieces of male perfection I have ever laid mine eyes upon.
I just find her so very entertaining. Her breasts defy so much gravity....she's so skinny I can't figure out where she keeps her organs and her children look like little Daddy clones so much, I can't figure out where her DNA went in the production. Major.

Just thought we needed another picture of DB's hotness.

Finnegan turns 1 HAPPY Finn Day!

That was for Kim. Because...and I quote "David Beckham? Do you have him naked? Oh my damn!"

Thank you.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Every Blog Has A Thorn....that doesn't make any sense...GNR bitches!

It's not very often that we get a whole weekend off, especially in the summer. So this weekend was a nice treat. With Bubba gone, I've been keeping track of the station, but things are going so well that I've gotten to have some time to myself. Which is great. Went to the Old Shillelagh last night. I had game. I totally bought a guy a drink. I'm very proud of myself. It didn't exactly work out....some how I ended up with his friend's phone # and the number of our server. Weird. But I think that still means that I had game. Ben.....dirtied my car on the way home. That's all I'm saying...but, yuck. I'm terrified to drive to work tomorrow. Someone will be taking my car to Big Daddy's during the day tomorrow...I wonder who that could be???

I'm bumming cuz I was supposed to go to the Common Ground Festival in Lansing this last week. Wednesday, Miranda and Rodney Atkins were playing! How fabulous. Well...we had a friend that was supposed to get us tickets and it seemed pretty certain that she would...and then no at the last minute. Super bummed. So that was when we saw Harry Potter instead. I got more bummed when I saw the set list she played there. Since she wasn't the opening act this time...she did a long set. It was basically like me with my guitar in my living room. She did all my favorites from the new and old albums and some of the other favs that she does live. I need to find another show where it's just her so I can really get to appreciate what a great performer she is. I really think that, since the ACM award, this is going to be her year (finally!!). She's just so very talented and under appreciated. I just really hope that the award makes her label see that they need to do a better job pushing her and put more behind this great artist. Kim and I are planning a trip to Texas to see her sister for her 21st b-day in we think we're going to go up to Lindale again...and Miranda's mom has said she wants to take us out for lunch next time we're around. I'd love to chat with her about how things are on the inside of it all. I'm interested to hear her opinions on things and what they do on a regular basis. Music marketing and artist rep is very interesting to me. Plus, you never know when they'll need a backup singer, right?

Should be an interesting show tomorrow. Having Adam in the morning is different. He hates mornings....but we always have fun. As long as I rein him in ;) Sometimes....people need to be reined in :)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm a blogging failure

I'm so very bad at keeping up with the blogging. But...I can't move from my chair. So I guess I can sit here and blog. I had a couple days off. I saw my lover, John Mayer, at the Palace last hot. Such a great show. The only things I was disappointed in were that I didn't get to meet him and profess my love. The hippie station had hinted to me that it was a possibility....and then no dice. And also, when he gave the audience the choice of "Comfortable," "Split-Screen Sadness," or, "Stop This Train," these people OBVIOUSLY aren't as familiar with his music as they should be. The went right for the new song...I have seen John 7 times...yes SEVEN times...and only once have I seen him sing my favorite song, "Comfortable." I know not everyone is familiar with Inside Wants Out,

his indie album...but...I'm biased. He was still stellar.

And, Oh my damn, so damn hot.


Then, Friday, I MET MIRANDA!!

I know..SHUT UP!! She is my hero. I just adore her. However, I think that I blew the meeting. See...there was this creepy fat guy in front of me in line (and it was a long line...and they gave us rules about having our camera out and ready); you know, one of those guys who sits in front of his computer and zooms in on his pictures and....edits them. yeah....edits. So...everyone was all "Hi, nice to meet you." Autograph, picture, "thanks, bye." So, I felt all rushed and stuff. I didn't want to be the guy that pissed everyone off and held up the line. So, I really didn't say anything to her except that I was so glad to meet her and I think I thanked her for being fabulous. But, I'll have another chance....I'll meet her again and talk to her about how great her mom is for creating the place in Lindale for her and how I wandered by there when I was in Texas and hung out with Patti all afternoon and talked to her mom on the phone. I also couldn't figure out how to say that without sounding like a wackjob.

Anyway, she rocked...I mean...SERIOUSLY ROCKED!

Came out to freakin "American Woman," shades on with the pink guitar. And my girl showed DTE's crowd how much ass she kicks. It was stellar. The best I've seen her so far. Oh...and if you're at DTE and you're on the hill...and the person in front of you is standing up rocking out...don't you dare think they're going to sit down because you get all attitudey and ask them to. If you don't like the standing people in front of you, either stand up too...or move. It's the lawn...and it's f-in' Miranda Lambert, stupid striped shirt chick. I may or may not have told her that I was sorry, but I was going to be standing through the whole concert....and, well, she never came back. Damn straight.

Love her!

Let's see. Been very busy lately. Working a ton. Ready for some rest. Slower month in July. happy with that. Spent some time with the fam

(including my adorable nephew,Garrett) at the lake.

Ummmmm....yeah. I keep forgetting the rest of my sentences...I guess epidurals and heavy narcotics will do that. Yucky back stuff. Oh well.

Hey Gail, Thompson's is on US 12 between Saline and Clinton. Right next door to Harry's Furniture. Karaoke with my friend, Chris (He's the DJ with the mostest) on Friday's. It's a good time.

Darby finally got a sister says she looks like a corndog... I think she looks like an adorable sausage with a head. We're all over the Blockbuster netflixs thing.

Watching Dreamgirls right now. This rips it up! I'm so digging it. Jamie Foxx...take that. get me if you've seen it...we're at the end.

Saw Harry Potter last night. Very good. They didn't screw it up this time. That made me happy. and the new book is out the 21st...can't wait. woo hoo. OK...that's that. I think you're great.

Monday, June 25, 2007

I wish you would come over....

First of all...for Brady are all very welcome. And thanks for your comments.

I'd like to introduce you to the new, Mr. & Mrs. Trent Willmon

Down to business, I'm in love. No seriously....seriously...seriously. Remember "Trent Willmon = cute boy?" Oh, sigh. Who knew he was THAT cute?? I may have actually said, "I had no idea you were so hot...If I did....I would have worn makeup or something." and I may or may not have very pretty blue eyes. There may have been hugging and such and a beer of which the can I may or may not have saved. And quote: "We go way, what, a half hour." "No hun, we go back a couple hours....we're married." "We are? If we're married, does that mean we're not going to have sex ever?" "Oh...I'm Irish...we're having sex...lots of's what we do." And if one more person yells at me for not getting/giving a phone number...I'll scream! I had game....I never have game. I was so proud. Then Heather and Bub and Ben all yelled at me!! I didn't know I was supposed to/allowed to ask Trent Willmon for his phone number. I e-mailed every person that works with him that I could find...we'll see what happens. Heather wrote the e-mail out for me so I didn't screw it up this time.

I adore him.

Mayfly was fun.

The guys of Heartland were really cool. Cute drummer wearing a Dundee Wrestling State Champs 2007 T-shirt! Go Warriors! I was really impressed with them, honestly. They're much, much better live than on their CD. I love my new Dundee friends that I met. I know most of them aren't from Dundee...but that's what I'm calling them. They rock. Jenn and I are going to Karaoke @ Thompson's (The Polar Bear) in Clinton on Friday night. Everyone should come. It'll be killer.

Tragedy struck this morning. I totally overslept and was late for the first time. I made it before Bub still. But somehow....I was awake @ 4....then dozed back off....turned off my second alarm clock in the living room @ 4:30 and the next thing I roommate was in my room yelling that it was 5:48....Yikes (Yeah...that was the word that came out of my mouth...right). I couldn't find any underwear....The neon CAN go 110 mph (come arrest me, hot policemen....please) and, it is possible to make it from a dead sleep in my bed to work in less than 12 minutes...impressive. Too many spine drugs, too late in the evening. I took them earlier today.

Just watched Bobby. Really good movie. Lindsay Lohan should really lay off the crack, cuz she's a really phenomenal actress. Really great movie. Shiah Lebeauf (I have no idea how you spell that) and Pacey were really great too. And Helen Hunt...who I love to bits....Christian Slater, Demi Moore...William H. Macy...I could go on...but I'm trying to watch Little Miss is really THAT good of a movie. So funny!
 song/CD of the Day: Brady Paisley's 5th Gear. It's hard for me to believe that I abhorred him for so long. Ben and I (But especially, Ben) have decided that it may very well be the greatest song ever made: Online. We added it to the W4 playlist today. Listen for're going to love it! (Or...really...go get the CD and listen to it when I'm not on the's worth the bucks).

And then there is this.... hand is there....!