Monday, June 25, 2007

I wish you would come over....

First of all...for Brady are all very welcome. And thanks for your comments.

I'd like to introduce you to the new, Mr. & Mrs. Trent Willmon

Down to business, I'm in love. No seriously....seriously...seriously. Remember "Trent Willmon = cute boy?" Oh, sigh. Who knew he was THAT cute?? I may have actually said, "I had no idea you were so hot...If I did....I would have worn makeup or something." and I may or may not have very pretty blue eyes. There may have been hugging and such and a beer of which the can I may or may not have saved. And quote: "We go way, what, a half hour." "No hun, we go back a couple hours....we're married." "We are? If we're married, does that mean we're not going to have sex ever?" "Oh...I'm Irish...we're having sex...lots of's what we do." And if one more person yells at me for not getting/giving a phone number...I'll scream! I had game....I never have game. I was so proud. Then Heather and Bub and Ben all yelled at me!! I didn't know I was supposed to/allowed to ask Trent Willmon for his phone number. I e-mailed every person that works with him that I could find...we'll see what happens. Heather wrote the e-mail out for me so I didn't screw it up this time.

I adore him.

Mayfly was fun.

The guys of Heartland were really cool. Cute drummer wearing a Dundee Wrestling State Champs 2007 T-shirt! Go Warriors! I was really impressed with them, honestly. They're much, much better live than on their CD. I love my new Dundee friends that I met. I know most of them aren't from Dundee...but that's what I'm calling them. They rock. Jenn and I are going to Karaoke @ Thompson's (The Polar Bear) in Clinton on Friday night. Everyone should come. It'll be killer.

Tragedy struck this morning. I totally overslept and was late for the first time. I made it before Bub still. But somehow....I was awake @ 4....then dozed back off....turned off my second alarm clock in the living room @ 4:30 and the next thing I roommate was in my room yelling that it was 5:48....Yikes (Yeah...that was the word that came out of my mouth...right). I couldn't find any underwear....The neon CAN go 110 mph (come arrest me, hot policemen....please) and, it is possible to make it from a dead sleep in my bed to work in less than 12 minutes...impressive. Too many spine drugs, too late in the evening. I took them earlier today.

Just watched Bobby. Really good movie. Lindsay Lohan should really lay off the crack, cuz she's a really phenomenal actress. Really great movie. Shiah Lebeauf (I have no idea how you spell that) and Pacey were really great too. And Helen Hunt...who I love to bits....Christian Slater, Demi Moore...William H. Macy...I could go on...but I'm trying to watch Little Miss is really THAT good of a movie. So funny!
 song/CD of the Day: Brady Paisley's 5th Gear. It's hard for me to believe that I abhorred him for so long. Ben and I (But especially, Ben) have decided that it may very well be the greatest song ever made: Online. We added it to the W4 playlist today. Listen for're going to love it! (Or...really...go get the CD and listen to it when I'm not on the's worth the bucks).

And then there is this.... hand is there....!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I'm Sorry to My Blog Audience

Please accept this picture of Brady Quinn in apology... I really thought that no one read my blog. It has come to attention (Jenn...I love you....when are we hanging out???? no....seriously...seriously) that people actually are consumming the gourmet literary delicacy that is the Katie Blog...and I don't want to starve you of said delicious culture.

Brady Quinn...yeah

watch me

there's cascades...yeah

So....MIS was fun...although...I didn't see my husband at all. Kasey...lost big, yet again.

But looked prettier than everyone else while haging out in the 31st-36th places. Hot-tage. Our sister station, WTKA, had a pit I got to watch the race in air conditioning...right behind Tony Stewart and Jeff Burton's pits...that was sweet.

I've just been working a whole ton of a lot. I have a remote @ ABC warehouse this after-evening. But it's with that's cool. Saturday, my fake little brother, Jason, has his HS graduation party...I believe his may have been the first diaper I have ever changed.

Weird. I got him a FABULOUS present...if I do say so myself. I may be poor...but my job affords me great gifts sometimes. Then it's on to the Mayfly in Dundee...Heartland. I think I'm intro-ing them all by myself...scary. Scratch that...Benny is going with me...I'm taking him on stage with me....this is famous like him...I say so. Sunday...Summer Kickoff...get tickets if you didn't yet.

Trent Willmon=cute boy...

Bub tells me that Rhett Akins is too...I'll have to judge for myself...and Wade Hayes kinda sounds like Josh Turner...but more testosterone-y.

I'm sorry to all the people who apparently were disappointed in my absence from W4 Idol last night. I had an epidural (not, like, the baby part numbing kind) in my back from the semi-hottie Indian doctor and I was in a bad/wrecked/disasterous place yesterday. Had I known people wanted me there...I would have crawled down the street....I'm bad! Let's all have a karaoke night...tell me a time and place...and I'm there (providing it doesn't rob me of my important sleep on weekday nights).

I'm going to start including fabulous websites in my's website is brought to you by the letterנ. Learn Yiddish....entertain your friends...or in the case of Adam Rey and myself...entertain your self

Right now, Ben and I are listening to Danielle Peck's "Isn't that Everything" We're listening for the Nanshy. Nanshy....ah ha!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Today's Blog Brought to You By the Letter Q

There is no time to feel sorry for yourself in Hell's Kitchen. This show is fabulous. Cooking and anger...beautifulness. Fat Chinese Cowboys that cry....stellar.

I totally love cooking shows...especially competitions. You totally have to check out "Next Food Network Star." Guy from Jackson....Adrien...Durkee knows him...he's hot and quite good at the whole shebang. I'm glad Durkee mentioned to me that I needed to check it out.

So that's that. I've got not much else right now. MIS is this weekend. That's busy time. Way excited though. Not only do we have tons of exciting things going on this year...Montgomery Gentry on Saturday night..I'm beyond excited for that.

You ever had a crush and once you figure it out you just don't know what to do about it....and then confused yourself until you can't figure out how to approach said situation? Am I too old to have this problem? I don't know if this is even an option. I babble. QB coach....yeah

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I got no game

Why do I have absolutely NO GAME!?

I feel like this topic was not given enough credence yesterday....

HEART WALK GUY....I was the cute gal with the equally cute, very furry, red dog...the one you were absently chatting with...with whom you never exchanged names....I thought you were very cute...and nice...and I liked your dog. And I guy who walks his dog with what looked like family in a heart walk....can't be all that bad. I wanted to pick you up. Should I have just said that? Hi...I'm katie....I'm picking you up so can we just skip the semantics? I'm so very very very disappointed in myself. I see myself as confident and sassy, but when it comes down to it...I guess I'm just waiting to get shot down...not a good way to be. It also adds another odd element when you're "Katie" in a logoed shirt and hosting the walk on a stage with a microphone and mega sound system. It just makes it a little odd to, then, intorduce yourself to seems weird.'s kind of a clique-y kind of thing....with families and dad was there and stuff. Although...cute boy was real cute when he talked to my adorable nephew. I don't know....I'm just bummed that blew that's not the one person in particular...just the concept...the idea...I've done it before...this was just a big one...I suppose. I usually have more guts/confidence when I'm "Katie." Major Bummer dude.

I found re-runs of "Blind Date" on the Fox Reality channel. I forgot the beauty of that show...and the evil, shiny vixen that is the stunning hair of roger lodge :)

Check out the G4 channel....Ninja Warrior. Greatest television show ever. It's a giant, outdoor obstacle Japan. Japanese people are crazy. it's closed captioned and all of the people dress up as characters...weird's the best thing ever. Thanks to my new friend Spencer for bringing it into my life.

And why do I feel like guys are done asking girls out? I feel like any guy with any interest lately seems to be trying to goad the chick into either professing her interest or doing the asking herself. I've never asked anyone out....I may have mentioned...and I don't know if I really could. Intern Scott and I were discussing this the other day....and he's NEVER asked a chick out...this is weird to me...I don't know.

I would like to acknowledge the guy who came to firehouse friday in Dexter and waited around to tell me that he had seen Lindsay Lohan on a talk show the day before and wanted to come tell me that I sounded like her. I don't think he understood how much her made my day. Does he know how many pictures of her hair I've taken to stylists. (Speaking of...Jenn @ Salon Vox...more Lohan color this time...less blonde...and....less done because I can't afford that again:) I love you) She is who will be paying me in the made for TV movie. I've got it planned...Julie Andrews' daughter, Emma (whether she acts or not) will be playing my mom...Mel Gibson will direct.

Nervous...I have to get a CAT scan of my spine on Friday and an MRI the monday after MIS...I'm going to be radioactive girl...Maybe I'll turn into a glowstick.

I need to get my dog a cheap rabies shot...apparently, either the vet screwed up her records...or I'm a failure as a dog moom. Most likely the latter...because it's hard to juggle all the dog needs...when you're a broke ass.