I'm so very bad at keeping up with the blogging. But...I can't move from my chair. So I guess I can sit here and blog.
OK..so I had a couple days off. I saw my lover, John Mayer, at the Palace last Thursday....so hot. Such a great show. The only things I was disappointed in were that I didn't get to meet him and profess my love. The hippie station had hinted to me that it was a possibility....and then no dice. And also, when he gave the audience the choice of "Comfortable," "Split-Screen Sadness," or, "Stop This Train," these people OBVIOUSLY aren't as familiar with his music as they should be. The went right for the new song...I have seen John 7 times...yes SEVEN times...and only once have I seen him sing my favorite song, "Comfortable." I know not everyone is familiar with Inside Wants Out,
his indie album...but...I'm biased. He was still stellar.

And, Oh my damn, so damn hot.
Then, Friday, I MET MIRANDA!!

I know..SHUT UP!! She is my hero. I just adore her. However, I think that I blew the meeting. See...there was this creepy fat guy in front of me in line (and it was a long line...and they gave us rules about having our camera out and ready); you know, one of those guys who sits in front of his computer and zooms in on his pictures and....edits them. yeah....edits. So...everyone was all "Hi, nice to meet you." Autograph, picture, "thanks, bye." So, I felt all rushed and stuff. I didn't want to be the guy that pissed everyone off and held up the line. So, I really didn't say anything to her except that I was so glad to meet her and I think I thanked her for being fabulous. But, I'll have another chance....I'll meet her again and talk to her about how great her mom is for creating the place in Lindale for her and how I wandered by there when I was in Texas and hung out with Patti all afternoon and talked to her mom on the phone. I also couldn't figure out how to say that without sounding like a wackjob.

Anyway, she rocked...I mean...SERIOUSLY ROCKED! 
Came out to freakin "American Woman," shades on with the pink guitar. And my girl showed DTE's crowd how much ass she kicks. It was stellar. The best I've seen her so far. Oh...and if you're at DTE and you're on the hill...and the person in front of you is standing up rocking out...don't you dare think they're going to sit down because you get all attitudey and ask them to. If you don't like the standing people in front of you, either stand up too...or move. It's the lawn...and it's f-in' Miranda Lambert, stupid striped shirt chick. I may or may not have told her that I was sorry, but I was going to be standing through the whole concert....and, well, she never came back. Damn straight.
Love her!
Let's see. Been very busy lately. Working a ton. Ready for some rest. Slower month in July. happy with that. Spent some time with the fam
(including my adorable nephew,Garrett) at the lake.
Ummmmm....yeah. I keep forgetting the rest of my sentences...I guess epidurals and heavy narcotics will do that. Yucky back stuff. Oh well.
Hey Gail, Thompson's is on US 12 between Saline and Clinton. Right next door to Harry's Furniture. Karaoke with my friend, Chris (He's the DJ with the mostest) on Friday's. It's a good time.

Darby finally got a haircut...my sister says she looks like a corndog... I think she looks like an adorable sausage with a head. We're all over the Blockbuster netflixs thing.
Watching Dreamgirls right now. This rips it up! I'm so digging it. Jamie Foxx...take that. heehee...you get me if you've seen it...we're at the end.

Saw Harry Potter last night. Very good. They didn't screw it up this time. That made me happy. and the new book is out the 21st...can't wait. woo hoo. OK...that's that. I think you're great.