I am currently obsessed with "The Office." More the American than the original British....but both make me pee my pants.
But the American has Jim....
It's just not the same without John Krasinski
Frankly....I miss my blog. If my life were more interesting...or I was as smart as Adam Rey...the maybe I would have more to blog. Is blog a verb? It is. Good. Adam is hot. Just in case anyone was curious. He has a very delicate self-esteem...please don't insult him. It makes him sad....see....
Sad Adam. Be his MySpace friend....make him happy.Happy Adam....sort of
How great is it that I can wear my giant NE Patriots hoodie
to work when it's freezing cold out? Most people that can do that are shoveling something. I have so very much work to do today....and I'm very good a procrastinating.
But....back to Tom Brady. How excited is Katie for the Super Bowl on Sunday? Very. And that is all I have to say.
See...this is why I don't blog...I got nothing.