Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sweet Home Oh My Damn

If I tried to count the number of times I've seen "Sweet Home Alabama" I'd so run out of fingers and toes. It's only, like, the very bestest movie ever on the planet. I want to be Melanie Smooter when I grow up. Most importantly, Josh Lucas....Hel-lo. Jake...scruffy...good. I just love it...just love it. I've vowed to continue my Reese Witherspoon movie collection....somehow...I don't own my favorite movie....I'm crazy.

I'm exhausted....I had a long run through multiple parking lots after a rogue puppy...tons of fun. He's lucky he's not a really expensive pancake. Then he had horrible death gas while sleeping on my pillow...I burned the pillow case.

I love when the cable channels do their little mini shows in between movies. USA has a road trip with Evan and Jaron. I love them...they had that "Crazy for this Girl" song a couple years ago. Hot twins who can sing and play the guitar. I'm OK with that. They're going to a fire station...I can understand taking that visit. You never know when an off duty FF is going to get the urge to take his shirt off and do push ups

....or put on his turnout gear.

Yeah...that was rough

One more thing about my movie...Keni Thomas and Cornbread. Yeah...we have an ongoing love affair.

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